Umeå 2024 – Cultural Summit

Umeå 2024 – Cultural Summit

En konferens om Umeå som Europas kulturhuvudstad, tio år senare. Ta del av och delta i samtal om kulturens roll i stadsutvecklingen, representation, mångfald, urfolk med mera – frågor som fortfarande är aktuella och angelägna.

Plats: Väven, Umeå
Tid: 16–17 maj 2024
Konferensen kommer även vara öppen för allmänheten.

Alla föredrag och presentationer hålls på engelska.

2024 är det tio år sedan Umeå var Europas kulturhuvudstad, ett år inramat av de åtta samiska årstiderna och som präglades av allt från en storslagen invigning på älven, en unik version av operan Elektra utomhus, festivaler av alla de slag, invigningen av kulturhuset Väven och Kvinnohistoriskt museum och mycket mer. Kulturhuvudstadsåret var också en brännpunkt för diskussioner om kulturens roll i stadsutvecklingen, representation, mångfald, urfolk med mera. Det är frågor som fortfarande är aktuella och angelägna. Detta vill vi uppmärksamma genom en mötesplats som diskuterar kulturhuvudstädernas betydelse för stadsutveckling, det lokala och nationella kulturlivet, nya uttryck och medskapande. Men inte minst vill vi lyfta kulturens framtida möjligheter och utmaningar; vilket värde tillmäts kulturen i ett föränderligt Europa? Vid konferensen deltar bland andra representanter för Europas kulturhuvudstäder och många spännande talare.



Day 1, May 16
Opening of the conference
Outcomes of a year as an European Cultural City
Culture as a driving force in urban development
What is the biggest cultural project of our time?
European Union Programme, Creative Europe
This year’s Capitals of Culture: The road to the goal, outcomes and challenges

Day 2, May 17
Culture in Education in the digital era
Application for Swedish capital of culture 2029
Democracy and Culture: Europe’s Contemporary Landscape
Dream Orchestra for a better society 
Completion of the conference


Some of the speakers:

Fredrik Lindegren
Fredrik Lindegren, Creative Director, Umeå2014
Fredrik Lindegren was responsible for Umeå’s application for the European Capital of Culture and was also the creative director of Umeå’s Capital of Culture year. On stage for Umeå2024 – Cultural Summit, he introduces the presentations and raises the important questions about the challenges of culture in Europe.


Håkan Jonsson
Opening speaker
Håkan Jonsson, President of the Sami Parliament
Umeå is a part of Sápmi. The Sami Parliament is both a government agency with administrative tasks and a popularly elected Sami parliament with the task of promoting a living Sami culture in Sweden.


Charlotta Mellander
Culture as a driving force in urban development, what makes people move to and stay in different places?
Charlotta Mellander is a professor of economics at Jönköping University. Her research focuses on cities, the urban-rural divide, migration patterns across regions and how geography tend to affect most things in our lives. Her publication list includes a very diverse set of topics, such as creative industries, happiness and community satisfaction. She has also cooperated with the American professor Richard Florida best known for his concept of the creative class and its implications for urban regeneration.


Lars Strannegård
Culture in Education in the digital era
Lars Strannegård is Professor of Business Administration, President of the Stockholm School of Economics and an engaged commentator on social issues. He has internationalised the education programmes and research at the Stockholm School of Economics and has initiated special cultural and artistic initiatives with the aim of broadening the academic environment. Among his publications are the volumes Kreativt kapital (Creative Capital) and Kunskap som känns (Senses of Knowing).


Elin Rosenström
Creative Europe and European cooperation
Elin Rosenström, Head of Creative Europe Desk Sweden at the Swedish Arts Council, is an experienced advisor in international cultural cooperation at EU level, and in national cultural policy. European cultural cooperation is perhaps more important today than ever. The funding opportunities within Creative Europe, the EU Framework Program for the Cultural and Creative Sectors 2021-2027, as well as other relevant EU initiatives will be presented.


Ron David Alvarez
Dream Orchestra for a better society
Ron Davis Alvarez, multi-award-winning conductor and artistic director from Venezuela, has been active in Sweden since 2015 as an orchestra leader for children and young people from many different countries within the worldwide ”El Sistema”. Founded in 1975, El Sistema is often described as a method based on the idea that teaching orchestral discipline promotes social and intellectual development and creates alternatives, beyond poverty and street violence and crime. In the long run – a better society. Often, those who join an El Sistema orchestra have never played an instrument before.


Charles Landry
What is the biggest cultural project of our time?
Charles Landry is an author and international advisor on the future of cities, best known for popularising the Creative City concept. His book The Creative City for Urban Innovators became a movement to rethink the planning, development and management of cities. He has supported many cities during the bidding for European Capital of Culture and has also helped them to make the most of their potential during the Capital of Culture Year.


Ola Nordebo
Since 2006, Ola Nordebo has been political editor-in-chief at Västerbottens-Kuriren in Umeå. He is a frequent lecturer and has contributed to several books on northern Sweden’s history and social development. At the conference, he will talk about the role of culture and cultural policy for democracy and pluralism in Europe in the 2020s.


Sofia Lagerlöf Määttä, Emma Jonsson, Patric Kiraly
Application for Swedish capital of culture 2029
Sofia Lagerlöf Määttä, Culture strategist, Emma Jonsson, Growth strategist, city o Kiruna and Patric Kiraly, Project manager, Uppsala European Capital of Culture – Between the Lines 2029. In 2029 Sweden will once again host a European Capital of Culture. Kiruna and Uppsala are both candidates. During Umeå2024 – Cultural Summit, we will find out more about the content of their applications, what the two cities would like to highlight during a Capital of Culture year. Not least, there will be an opportunity for a dialogue on the importance of appointing a Swedish Capital of Culture.


Challenges and outcomes of European Cultural Cities
Representatives of the present and some former European Capitals on stage
Since 1985 the EU designates European Cities of Culture with the aim of bringing Europeans closer together by highlighting the richness and diversity of European cultures and raising awareness of their common history and values. The title requires a profound commitment of the city during the bidding period and during the cultural year. What makes a city go for the bid and which are the outcomes for a European Cultural Capital? These are interesting questions for all cities that consider culture important for urban development.